© 2014 Rick Adamson
By Rick Adamson 3.8.14
Does anybody believe that we do not have enough federal laws in the Country?
The Congress and regulators seem to exist only to make more
and more new laws while refusing to enforce our existing ones. I think we have plenty already although, from
time to time, a new one might be needed and old ones might need to be changed
or eliminated (which almost never happens).
For this reason our founders set up the Constitution the way
they did. It was supposed to be hard for
FedGov to pass laws. After all, the States
set up FedGov for specific purposes and they are the BOSS of FedGov. The purposes of FedGov were supposed to be
for things like defense and foreign policy.
It was never meant to interfere with the daily lives of individual
Citizens. The Founders did not intend for FedGov to grow into the monstrosity that it
has become.
The States need to take back the power that they have
allowed FedGov to usurp over the years.
The process is called nullification and it happens when a State
legislature (or group of States) passes a law that nullifies a federal statue
or regulation. It has been done before
and it needs to occur more often. Just
look are the debate over Marijuana. Some
states have made it legal even though federal law considers it illegal. Such things are State issues and FedGov needs
to step aside. The same is true for the Gay marriage issues and most others.
Another way, according the Constitution, is to have a Convention
of the States. Georgia
has just called for one. read more…here The House of Representatives of Alabama has
just called for one. read more…here
This is extremely important because it is the way, according
to Thomas Jefferson, to determine the constitutionality of laws and to control
FedGov. After all, 13 States created FedGov and gave it very limited power.
FedGov is owned by and is responsible to the States. However, over the last 70
years or so FedGov has usurped much of the power of the States and needs to be
brought under control.
Think about the minimum wage issue. Since California
in not like New York or Texas
how can FedGov set a wage that is fair all across the 50 States? They can not.
Let the States do as they so choose and get FedGov out of the picture.
After all we are not one State we are 50 States united for
specific purposes and the cookie cutter (one size fits all) approach taken by
FedGov just doesn’t work well.
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