Russian Election Meddling
© 2018 Rick Adamson
By Rick Adamson 7.16.18
Although I am outraged the Russians interfered in our elections their money investment was not significant (less than $50 Million vs. $2+Trillion spent by the campaigns.) Face book ads vs. 52 major newspaper endorsements for Hillary vs. 2 for Trump.
And to the hacking and leaks-what was leaked? Email from John Podesta’s (Hillary’s campaign manager) gmail account and email from the Democratic National Committee’s computers. These sources were not government controlled and contained no secret government data but, rather, embarrassing spurious correspondence which was of very little interest.
What would be more interesting would be to know more about the
Democrat’s interference/sabotage of Sanders campaign. What hypocrites!
Democrat’s interference/sabotage of Sanders campaign. What hypocrites!
The leaks occurred in the summer of 2016 by which time most people had
already decided for whom they would vote.
already decided for whom they would vote.
Every interested party tries to affect elections. That’s not new. We just need
to understand what the foreigners did, how they did it and stop them.
to understand what the foreigners did, how they did it and stop them.
As to all these indictments-Surprise Surprise. We were told in Nov. 2016
and again in Jan. 2017 by our intelligence agencies that Russia had been
messing around with our system.
and again in Jan. 2017 by our intelligence agencies that Russia had been
messing around with our system.
Interestingly, although these shenanigans began in 2014 nothing was done
about it and you would know nothing of it today if the election had turned
out differently. Go figure.
about it and you would know nothing of it today if the election had turned
out differently. Go figure.
And That's that!
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