© 2014 Rick Adamson
By Rick Adamson 11.6.14
A survey of available data concerning Obamacare (ACA) enrollments leads me to the conclusion that the law is not working and will never work. The administration claims 10 million have enrolled. Of the 10 million enrollees 30% went into Medicaid.[1] Three fourths (3/4) of enrollees were previously insured leaving only about 1.7 million (17 percent) who were previously uninsured.[2] Put another way, only 17 percent of the 10 million represent those who were the target of the law (uninsured persons).
To summarize:
Total number enrolled 10
Total new Medicaid recipients -3
previously uninsured -1.7 million
enrollees who were previously insured 5.3
The idea is that the 5.3 million will pay for the free or heavily subsidized coverage of the 1.7 million and the 3 million. Considering the negative impact on jobs, mass upheaval of the industry, and cost (estimated to be $2.6 Trillion in the first 10 years[3]) it would have been smarter to have given the 1.7 million free or low cost government provided healthcare.
In the end, Obamcare will be accomplish nothing as it is projected by the CBO that upon total implementation 30 million people will still be uninsured. Except, of course, increasing the premiums on the 85 percent (93 million people) of the insured prior to ACA (who are happy with their current coverage), increasing the burden to the government (more Medicaid obligations and other welfare subsidies for the lower income people who sign up) and totally upsetting the current system. [4]
Just look at the projections:
30 million currently
uninsured read more…
-9 million put on
Medicide read more…
-7 million enrolling in
Obamacare read more…
+16 million who will lose
their coverage or not sign up for coverage, equals
Note that "subsidies" is just another word for WELFARE for the new medicaid and many Obamacare recipients.
FedGov needs to fix the law by repealing and replacing it or by expanding Medicaid so that it covers the 1.7 million (in addition to the 3 million) discussed above, eliminating the individual and corporate mandates, eliminating the tax on medical devices, restoring the individual market by eliminating the prescribed plan requirement for individuals and leaving in place the provisions concerning pre-existing conditions for group plans, among other corrections.
FedGov needs to fix the law by repealing and replacing it or by expanding Medicaid so that it covers the 1.7 million (in addition to the 3 million) discussed above, eliminating the individual and corporate mandates, eliminating the tax on medical devices, restoring the individual market by eliminating the prescribed plan requirement for individuals and leaving in place the provisions concerning pre-existing conditions for group plans, among other corrections.
If not dealt with soon this law will become the largest socialistic entitlement program in the history of the
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