The Anointing of Hillary Clinton
Rick Adamson
Hillary claims the 2016 election was stolen from her. See video here.
She has a point and here is why:
In 2008 she was a Senator from New York and a presidential candidate. A deal was cut and she conceded the race to Barack Obama. The deal involved Obama, Clinton, Chuck Schumer (Senior Senator from New York) and Harry Reid (Senate Majority Leader), among others.
The deal was that if Clinton dropped out of the 2008 race she would be guaranteed the Democratic nomination in 2016. In the meantime Obama would give her a top cabinet position-Secretary of State as it turned out. You see-
1. Obama wanted a clear path to victory at the convention,
2. Chuck did not want Clinton to return to the Senate because as the senior Senator from New York he was used to calling the shots: something Clinton resisted and
3. Reid did not want her back in the Senate because she was not a team player.
Thus, she was "anointed" (or so she thought) by Democratic leaders to succeed Obama.
Supporting evidence:
1. As the 2016 presidential race began it was not certain if anyone would challenge her-after all, they knew of the "anointment." Finally, a few relatively unknown Democrats entered the race only to withdraw shortly thereafter.
2. Bernie Sanders, an independent, had entered and refused to withdraw. This was a surprise to the "anointed" Clinton and party leaders so in order to fulfill their promise the Democrats rigged the DNC to disadvantage Sanders. The Democrats cheated him.
3. Hillary tried to get Bernie to concede to her. See Clinton to Sanders: I dropped out for Obama – it was 'the right thing to do.'
4. Counting on the "promise" and the Democrat's obvious electoral advantage Clinton never visited Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and certain other industrial areas.
5. Joe Biden, the former Vice President and natural next leader of the Democrats, never entered the race. Why, because he knew of the "anointment."
So, when the promise failed to come through she, understandably, felt "robbed."
And That's that!