Warning - Revolution
© 2015 Rick Adamson
by Rick Adamson 5.25.15
Updated 10.4.2020
This was written when I and just about everyone else thought Hillary would win the 2016 election. It was updated for current events.
We are experiencing an unprecedented revolution in America and we do not even know it.
Can you imagine a political system where one political party is able to anoint a candidate and one where that party has a clear majority of voters? In such an instance that party would run the country (maybe forever) and there would be no further need for political campaigns or conventions.
This is what happens in China and Russia.
Well, both of our political parties want nothing more than to attain such dominance. The “party” has become the end-all and the politicos will do or say just about anything for the sake of the party, e.g., Bill Clinton spoke highly of Obama at the 2012 Democratic convention despite the well-documented fact that they despise each other.
Well, both of our political parties want nothing more than to attain such dominance. The “party” has become the end-all and the politicos will do or say just about anything for the sake of the party, e.g., Bill Clinton spoke highly of Obama at the 2012 Democratic convention despite the well-documented fact that they despise each other.
What the heck, if it is good for the party it must be done regardless of personal feelings or beliefs.
Is it possible that this could happen? Yes, if one party could persuade the majority of voters that it has all (or most) of the solutions to their problems and that it (the party) will benefit them the most.
OK, if you believe it is possible, how could it be engineered or masterminded?
The following are a few possibilities:
1. Change the attitude of existing voters by convincing them that the government can solve their problems.
2. Change the number and composition of voters to be more favorable to your party.
3. Packing the Supreme Court with activist judges.
4. Add more progressive States.
5. Eliminating the Electoral College.
Item #1 could be accomplished by becoming more socialistic and left-leaning. This is done by enslaving the population by providing more programs and benefits that they perceive to better their standard of living. A key part of this effort would be to divide the electorate by race, income, gender, and preference. Then promise each group some individualized goodies. Divide then conquer! If the folks can be made to feel that the party is providing good things for them, even as they become more and more enslaved to the government (party), they will remain loyal, for example:
√ Divide and conquer strategy used by Obama in the last two elections.
√ War on poverty under Johnson’s Great Society. See this article -https://clashdaily.com/2014/03/allen-west-lbj-ill-nggers-voting-democratic-next-200-years/
√ War on the Second Amendment. You are probably well aware of the left’s position on gun control even though their proposals would do nothing to stop most gun crimes due to the fact that criminals do not follow current laws and are unlikely to obey new ones. In his 1994 book, NRA head Wayne LaPierre dwelled at length on a quotation attributed to Hitler ( “All in favor of ‘gun control’ raise your right hand.”), writing: “In Germany, Jewish extermination began with the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938, signed by Adolf Hitler.”
√ Government takeover of health care (Obama Care). Someone once said, “control health care and you control the people”. Oh, it was Saul Alinsky. He was the Chicago-born community organizer whose life and work greatly influenced President Obama. He authored the books “Reveille for Radicals” and “Rules for Radicals” to provide "counsel to young radicals on how to effect constructive social change."
There are actually are 8 levels of control (widely attributed to Mr. Alinsky) that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. See the image at the beginning of this article for them all-they describe what is happening to the United States right now.
Over time, #2 could be accomplished by allowing more immigrants from socialistic countries (who have not been exposed to democratic principles) and immigrants who are, generally, less educated than the existing population. Keep in mind that these immigrants teach their children what they have been taught so their children will continue along the line of thinking taught them by their parents.
This was set in motion by The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. The below article describes the act and its history: http://cis.org/1965ImmigrationAct-MassImmigration
I only recently became aware of the 1965 law while searching for the answer to a question I had - what is the basis of the widely held belief that we should allow just about anyone, regardless of qualification, to immigrate to the U.S.A?
If you think there is not a left-wing progressive conspiracy to change the composition of the population (and ultimately the voters) to be more favorable to the Democratic Party think about this:
√ Between 1960 and 2010 the number of foreign-born residents of the Country increased by approximately 30,000,000 people and represented 13% of the population.
√ The average growth rate of foreign-born residents for the five decades between 1960 and 2010 (after the ACT) was 34%; the average Growth for the five previous decades (1920 -1960) was -6%).
√ Historically legal immigration amounted to approximately 200,000 per year but since the Act was passed it has averaged over 1 million people per year.
√ Most new immigrants lean toward the democratic party and are less educated than the general population.
The process can be accelerated by encouraging illegal immigration and then granting them amnesty.
Item #3, #4, and #5 can be accomplished once Item #1 and #2 get far enough along such that there is effectively no opposing party.
Item #3, #4, and #5 can be accomplished once Item #1 and #2 get far enough along such that there is effectively no opposing party.
Wake up America! This is already happening. The Democrats anointed Hillary; there were no opponents because it was her turn. (See related article here.) All they now need is the electorate. Democratic voters are exploding due to executive orders and out of control immigration so it is just a matter of time.
And That’s that!